The aim of an erotic cock massage is to delay and multiply the intensity of the orgasm which comes at the end of the massage. The masseuse who performs erotic cock massage will be able to work away on the cock with slow rhythmic movements that enable the man to build up his levels of pleasure slowly which can ensure that the feeling of pleasure is maintained for longer this skill enables the climax which is then experienced to be much higher in intensity than what is generally experienced by usual methods of working on the cock.
The main purpose of this type of massage is to focus on clearing energy, blockages and promoting healing of the man through a form of deep pleasure. The intense pleasure will be felt throughout the man’s body not just the genital area alone. The erotic cock massage is an experience that will be relaxing, stimulating, highly erotic, healing, liberating and will leave the receiver with a great sense of emotional, spiritual, mental and physical well being whilst also experiencing a sensual form of arousal coupled with sexual pleasure. Unlike usual sexual activity erotic cock massage will ride in waves and course throughout the man’s entire body.
The massage will be carried out in a peaceful, calming setting so that the receiver of the massage is in a state of complete ease and calm. Sexual energy is a powerful force and when performed erotic cock massage will help to initiate a high level of sexual pleasure by using different methods of holding and kneading the cock. This will help to further stimulate blood flow to the cock area and fingertips are often used in small circular motions to gently massage the area it is at this stage that the man will start to feel actively aroused by the massage he is receiving.
Depending on personal preference the cock massage can also include massage of the balls which can be done in a very soft methods or can involve the balls being gripped and massaged more forcefully depending upon your preferred method. Many men prefer the erotic cock massage to also include the rhythmic stroking and kneading methods to be applied to both the cock and the balls simultaneously to lead them to orgasm. The happy ending achieved through this method is by nature more powerful and extreme than what men tend to be used to in everyday sexual encounters and will help to improve the sexual prowess that a man currently has.
Beyond the obvious pleasure however erotic cock massage also has the added benefit of increasing blood flow to the cock which can in turn lead to length gain and help to prevent the cock from shortening. Erotic cock massage helps and aids in keeping the cock in good health and condition whilst also helping to restore men who may feel stressed and fatigued. It can also actively help out men who suffer from low sex drive or sexual performance issues due to its ability to increase sexual stamina.